Two Poems: Fear Was a Dog Inside My House; Dedications

Fear Was a Dog Inside My House

My father arrives home drunk
in our dreams
The stutterer                returns to the flat
covered in blood
He vacates canteens
with dead moons in the eyes

What worth can this moment have,
to know I’ve been left alone
surrounded by silence and sad mornings

He happens upon our memory without a horse
and wonders ghostlike through our dreams.

What wealth can these days’ have,
why the slow pace of this wounded animal?

My heart is not a bonfire
it’s the pond in which the corpse
of my childhood floats.


To my Enemy:
A face to face.

To Insomnia:
Pears or apples.

To the Endless Wait:
A white South African sentinel
asleep outside a diamond mine.

To the Classroom:
A watch,
the sobriety of water.

To Distance:
The little I still remember about Omar,
furtive glow,
naked wet body trapped
in the precincts of my pupils.

To love:
A truce
& another truce
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About Sergio A. Ortiz

Sergio A. Ortiz is a gay Puerto Rican poet and the founding editor of Undertow Tanka Review. He is a two-time Pushcart nominee, a four-time Best of the Web nominee, and a 2016 Best of the Net nominee. Sergio won 2nd place in the 2016 Ramón Ataz annual poetry competition, sponsored by Alaire Publishing House. He is currently working on his first full-length collection of poems, Elephant Graveyard.