Dawn Manning on Debra Wierenga’s Poem “Fork”

Today’s post is written by Dawn Manning. We published her poetry commentary “A Closer Look at ‘Self-Portrait as Eve’ by Debra Wierenga” in our Fall 2016 issue.  The following is Manning’s commentary on a second poem by Wierenga.  * “Fork,” the poem placed in the middle of Marriage and Other Infidelities, is a strong example of […]

Why You Should Go to a Writer’s Conference…Now

Today’s post is written by our fiction director, Kat Gonso.  For years, I talked myself out of attending a writers’ conference. I’m not good enough. What if I don’t make any friends? It’s too much money. Each spring I’d wistfully review the websites and begin writing my Bread Loaf application before snapping my computer shut, […]

Get a Free Week of Jennie Nash’s Book-Coaching Program

One of our Fall 2014 features is about What Good Editors Do and How to Find One. But before you need an editor, you need to finish (uh . . . or maybe start) that book you’ve been working on or dreaming about. You’re in luck: Jennie Nash—the features editor for our first four issues—is inviting readers of Compose […]