Tiffany Melanson
Tiffany Melanson’s poetry has appeared in Coda Quarterly, Bridge Eight and deadpaper, and on Swamp Radio, a live radio show and podcast where she is an occasional co-host, interviewer and frequent contributor. Her work is forthcoming in Eat Poems (an audio chapbook series) and was recently featured in The Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens’ exhibit, Reflections: Artful…
Read MoreBarbara Costas-Biggs
Barbara Costas-Biggs holds a BA in English and an MLIS. She lives in Eastern Kentucky on an organic farm and works as a public librarian. Her work has appeared recently in The Oyez Review and The Pikeville Review.
Read MoreDallas Woodburn
Dallas Woodburn, a recent Steinbeck Fellow in Creative Writing, has published fiction and nonfiction in Zyzzyva, Conclave: A Journal of Character, Fourth River, The Nashville Review, The Los Angeles Times, North Dakota Quarterly, and Monkeybicycle, among many others. A three-time Pushcart Prize nominee, she won second place in the American Fiction Prize and her plays…
Read MoreChristopher Woods
Christopher Woods is a writer, teacher and photographer who lives in Texas. He has published a novel, The Dream Patch; a prose collection, Under a Riverbed Sky; and a book of stage monologues for actors, Heart Speak. He is currently compiling a book of photography prompts for writers, From Vision to Text.
Read MoreCarla Royal
Carla A Royal, a Georgia native, is an artist working in the field of digital photography. She uses archival pigment prints and enjoys experimenting in the digital darkroom. Her interest in photography springs from a connection and love of nature and a desire for people and the earth to heal. Carla co-owns Amblewood Gallery in the…
Read MoreAllen Forrest
Allen Forrest, born in Canada and bred in the U.S., creates cover art and illustrations for magazines and books, is the winner of the Leslie Jacoby Honor for Art at San Jose State University’s Reed Magazine, and his Bel Red painting series are part of the Bellevue College Foundation’s permanent art collection. Forrest’s expressive drawing…
Read MoreAnthony J. Mohr
Anthony J. Mohr’s nonfiction has appeared in DIAGRAM, Eclectica, Front Porch Journal, Hippocampus, The MacGuffin, Mojo, War, Literature and the Arts, ZYZZYVA, and elsewhere. His works have been anthologized in, among other places, California Prose Directory and Workers Write!. Three of his pieces have been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Once upon a time, he was a…
Read MoreTara Isabel Zambrano
Tara Isabel Zambrano lives in Texas and is an Electrical Engineer by profession. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Hayden’s Ferry Review, SmokeLong Quarterly, Bop Dead City, New Plains Review and others. She is a 2015 Pushcart Nominee.
Read MorePaul Pekin
Paul Pekin was born in Blue Island, Illinois, moved to Chicago in 1959, owned and operated a small store, taught writing at Columbia College and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, worked as a police officer for Cook County, and is now retired. His work has appeared in The Chicago Tribune, The Chicago Reader and…
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