Four Angels

Professor J.B.S. Haldane, a world famous British-born geneticist and evolutionary biologist, a Fellow of the Royal Society of London with Oxford and Cambridge University affiliations, had permanently moved to India in 1956 and joined the Indian Statistical Institute in Barrackpore, West Bengal as a Research Scientist. Barrackpore is about 375 miles southeast of Laheriasarai where…

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Two Poems: The Clay; The Box

The Clay Nothing realizes meexcept atoms. Pine trees siftwith snow, glassy fields,my boots not fitting— all that pacing, watching,everything turning. Empty pockets,blue scarf in a draweroutliving its owner, and that other in the mirrorwho looks back at me:she sees the clay. Night among the owls,empty house, a clanging, as carsand planes sail by,blanks of the…

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After Wislawa Szymborska Pens write about pens writers about writersPaper is papered overpulped to rebirth Roads lead to other roads We are drivento drive The sun illumineslights and lamps Rain watersa stream Salt is salted in the earthWind airs the air We etch a stone with a stone Can wehear someone listening know someoneknowing? Believesomeone…

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The last time I saw my father I was on my way to work. It was barely 6 a.m. and the sky had blushed three shades of pink. This was my favorite time of day. The campus was deserted. No rowdy students hanging out on the grass or throwing Frisbees across the quad. My first…

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The Suicide Dogs

Clement jumps in the air and puts his paws on the upper rail of the fence surrounding our yard. His tail wags and he gives a deep full-throated bark as he tries to get closer to the two squirrels who have evaded his pursuit by taking to the highest branches of a winter-bare tree. Clement’s…

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Two Poems: Fear Was a Dog Inside My House; Dedications

Fear Was a Dog Inside My House My father arrives home drunkin our dreamsThe stutterer                returns to the flatcovered in bloodHe vacates canteenswith dead moons in the eyes What worth can this moment have,to know I’ve been left alonesurrounded by silence and sad mornings He happens upon our memory without a horseand wonders ghostlike through…

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Elements of the Allagash

Something ancient and alchemical happens on a wilderness waterway. What we call news disappears. The word “media” sounds more like a song than a klaxon. Our bodies bask and bend, and minds follow. A pure, universal solvent dissolves facts and transmutes elements. In spruce and eagle we sense our wild genetic roots. Water and air…

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