Fall is officially upon us, and our eighth issue is nearly ready to launch!
Over the next couple of weeks we’ll finalize the layout of our Fall 2016 issue and send out final proofs. Our editors have devoted several months to putting together the issue, and we think you’re going to be pleased with the results.
Hoping to have your poetry, prose or art considered for our Spring 2017 issue? We accept submissions year-round. If you submitted something to us earlier this year but haven’t yet received a response, your work will automatically be considered for Spring 2017.
And now, take a moment to “meet” contributors to the forthcoming issue (for the purposes of this post, some bios have been edited for length):
Debra Wierenga’s chapbook, Marriage and Other Infidelities, is available from Amazon.com. Her poems have appeared in Nimrod, Measure, The Literary Review, and other journals. Her work has also appeared in Verse Daily and American Life in Poetry. She lives in Michigan.
Dawn Manning is the author of Postcards from the Dead Letter Office. Her awards for poetry include the Beullah Rose Poetry Prize, the Edith Garlow Poetry Prize, and the San Miguel Writing Award, among others. Her poems have been published through Crab Orchard Review, Silk Road Review, Smartish Pace, and other literary journals. In her spare time, she herds cats for local animal rescue. When the stars align, she travels.
Daniel Wallace recently completed his PhD in Creative Writing at the University of Tennessee. He is editor-in-chief for Burlesque Press, and his work has appeared in McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, Tampa Review, Air Schooner, and Fiction Writers Review. He is not the Daniel Wallace who wrote the novel Big Fish nor the Daniel Wallace M.D., of Boston, whose patients regularly email him requests for medication.
D. A. Powell‘s most recent collections are Repast (2014) and Useless Landscape, or A Guide for Boys (2012), both from Graywolf Press. A 2016 Civitella Ranieri Fellow, Powell lives and works in San Francisco.
Laura McCullough is a poet and memoirist. Her books include The Wild Night Dress, selected by Billy Collins in the Miller Williams Poetry Contest, University of Arkansas Press, Jersey Mercy (Black Lawrence Press), Rigger Death & Hoist Another (BLP), Panic (winner of the Kinereth Gensler Award, Alice James Books), Speech Acts (BLP), and What Men Want (XOXOX Press). She has edited two anthologies, A Sense of Regard: essays on poetry and race (Georgia University Press, 2015) and The Room and the World: essays on Stephen Dunn (University of Syracuse Press, 2014). Her poems and prose have appeared in Best American Poetry, Georgia Review, American Poetry Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, The Writer’s Chronicle, Guernica, Cimarron Review, The Southern Review, Gulf Coast, Pank, Hotel America, Prairie Schooner, and many other journals and magazines.
Babette Cieskowski, originally from Oahu, Hawaii, has lived in southern Florida, Kitzingen, Germany and Central Texas. She is currently earning an MFA in poetry from Ohio State University. Her poems have been published in Coastlines, The Rectangle, Black Heart Magazine, Arsenic Lobster, and Pittsburgh Poetry Review.
Donna Vorreyer is the author of Every Love Story is an Apocalypse Story (Sundress Publications, 2016) and A House of Many Windows (Sundress Publications, 2013), as well as seven chapbooks, most recently Tinder, i, Bones, and Snow (dancing girl press). She serves as the reviews editor for Stirring: A Literary Collection and teaches middle school in the suburbs of Chicago.
David Ishaya Osu was born in 1991 in Nigeria. He is a board member of the Babishai Niwe Poetry Foundation based in Uganda. His poetry appears in Chiron Review, CutBank, Vinyl, Transition, The Nottingham Review, Pittsburgh Poetry Review, and Maintenant 10: A Journal of Contemporary Dad Writing & Art. David is a fellow at the Ebedi International Writers Residency. He is assistant poetry editor for Panorama: The Journal of Intelligent Travel and is currently working on his debut poetry book.
Lynn Otto is a freelance copy editor and webinar instructor. She has poems in various print and online journals including Driftwood Press Literary Magazine, Hartskill Review, Raleigh Review, Centrifugal Eye, and a poem in the anthology Winged: New Writing on Bees. She holds an MFA from Portland State University and calls Oregon home.
Amanda Hope is a poet and librarian from eastern Massachusetts. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Cream City Review, Spoon River Poetry Review, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, and Harpur Palate. She has two degrees in subjects that have nothing to do with creative writing. She enjoys riding the subway, scratching various animals behind the ears, and wearing magnificent boots.
Alejandro Escudé’s first book of poems, My Earthbound Eye, was published in September 2013. He holds a master’s degree in creative writing from the University of California, Davis and teaches high school English. Originally from Argentina, Alejandro lives in Los Angeles with his wife and two children.
Emari DiGiorgio received a poetry fellowship from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts and residencies from Vermont Studio Center, Sundress Academy for the Arts, and Rivendell. Her first full-length collection, The Things a Body Might Become, is forthcoming (ELJ Editions, 2017). She teaches at Stockton University, is a Dodge Foundation Poet, and hosts World Above in Atlantic City.
Daniel Edward Moore’s poems have been published in American Literary Review, The Spoon River Poetry Review, and Rattle. His poems are forthcoming in Prairie Winds Literary Journal, Riding Light, Badlands Literary Journal, Broad Street Magazine, Common Ground Review, Glint Literary Journal, and Permafrost Magazine. He lives in Washington on Whidbey Island where he is working on his first book,Waxing The Dents.
Emma Bolden is the author of two full-length collections of poetry, medi(t)ations (Noctuary Press, 2016) and Maleficae (GenPop Books, 2013). She has published four chapbooks of poetry: How to Recognize a Lady (Toadlily Press), The Mariner’s Wife, (Finishing Line Press), The Sad Epistles (Dancing Girl Press), and This Is Our Hollywood (The Chapbook). She is the author of a nonfiction chapbook, Geography V (Winged City Press). A Barthelme Prize and Spoon River Poetry Review Editor’s Prize winner, her work has appeared in The Best American Poetry and The Best Small Fictions as well as journals including The Rumpus, Prairie Schooner, Conduit, and Copper Nickel.
Creative Nonfiction
Risa Nye is a lifelong resident of the San Francisco Bay Area. Her articles and essays have appeared in a number of local and national publications as well as in several anthologies. A co-editor of Writin’ on Empty: Parents Reveal the Upside, Downside, and Everything in Between When Children Leave the Nest, she also published an e-book based on her blog, Zero to Sixty in One Year: An Easy Month-by-Month Guide to Writing Your Life Story. Her alter ego, Ms. Barstool, writes about cocktails at www.berkeleyside.com. She lives in Oakland, CA with her husband.
Joe Oswald was born in Franklin, Wisconsin and holds a BA from the University of Wisconsin–Madison and a Masters Degree in Liberal Studies from Georgetown University. He recently retired from a long career in political and labor organizing, most recently as the Government and Community Affairs Director for the Wisconsin Laborers’ District Council. He lives in Madison with his wife, son, and cat, Romeo. “On the Hill In the Tall Grass Off Fifteen” is his first publication.
David Raney lives in Atlanta where he is executive editor of Quail Pointe Publishing, specializing in memoirs. A happy husband and father of two, his resume includes college professor, magazine editor, and roughly eighty-eight other job descriptions. His work has appeared in over thirty journals, newspapers, and books.
Robyn Goodwin holds an MFA in Creative Writing from George Mason University, where she won the highest prize for fiction, The Heritage Award ($15,000). Her story, “Watershed,” was later selected by her contemporary fiction hero, Sherman Alexie, to appear in Scribner’s “The Best of the Writing Workshops”. She’s been published in Five Points, So To Speak, Outside In, The Texas Review, Rappahannock Review, Compose, and numerous other literary magazines. She’s currently shopping a comedic novel called “The Kingdom of Me” and a memoir, “Sweeping Beauty: Tales of Cleaning up after the Ball,” about her commercial cleaning business. She lives with her husband, and two delicious not-so-little boys, in Manassas, VA.
Monet P. Thomas is a writer and poet from North Carolina. She holds an MFA from the Inland Northwest Center for Writers at Eastern Washington University in Spokane, Washington. Her work can be found online at Word Riot, Hobart, and Split Lip Magazine. She can be found spending too much time on Twitter.
Lindsey Crittenden is the author of The View From Below, a prize-winning collection of short stories, and The Water Will Hold You, a memoir. Her work has also appeared in the New York Times, Glimmer Train, Best American Spiritual Writing, Arroyo Literary Review, Bellingham Review, Cimarron Review (forthcoming), and elsewhere. She lives in San Francisco, where she is a member of the SF Writers’ Grotto and an Honored Instructor in writing at UC Berkeley Extension.
Mary Leonard has published chapbooks at 2River, Pudding House, Antrim House Press, and RedOchreLit. Her poetry has appeared in The Naugatuck Review, Hubbub, Cloudbank, The Chronogram, Blotterature, and, most recently, in Red River, Ilya’s Honey, and A Rat’s Ass. Her work is forthcoming in The New Independents and Brooding on Eggs. She lives in an old schoolhouse overlooking the Rondout Creek in Kingston, NY. Away from her own personal blackboard, she teaches writing workshops for all ages through the Institute for Writing and Thinking at Bard College.
Patricia Canright Smith is a writer and visual artist living in Seattle, Washington. Patricia came late to writing after a life of kids, psychotherapy practice, hobby farming, and art. Her short prose has appeared in Short Story America (awarded third prize), Shenandoah Literary Magazine, Quiddity Literary Journal, North Dakota Quarterly (Pushcart nomination), Mason’s Road Literary Journal (2014 Editor’s prize), and others. Her essay “83 Problems, A-Z” appeared in The Jabberwock Review and was a Notable Essay in The Best American Essays of 2014, edited by John Jeremiah Sullivan.
Michael Overa was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. After completing his MFA at Hollins University, Michael returned to Seattle where he currently works as a writing tutor. He is a writer-in-residence with Seattle’s Writers In The Schools Program. His work has appeared in the Portland Review, East Bay Review, Fiction Daily, Inlandia, and Across the Margin, among others. His first collection of short stories, The Filled In Spaces, is due out on November 4, 2016 through Unsolicited Press.
Nancy Smith received her MFA in Creative Writing from the University of San Francisco. Her work has been published in Seattle Weekly, McSweeney’s, The Rumpus, Paper, Your Impossible Voice, and elsewhere. She is currently working on a PhD at Indiana University.
Vivian Calderón Bogoslavsky is a Colombia Native. She holds a bachelors in anthropology with a minor in history and a postgraduate degree in Journalism from Universidad of Los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia. She has studied art for over thirteen years with a well-known Argentinian art master and also studied in Florence, Italy and at Fine Arts & Design in USA. Today, she is living in Colombia exploring her art. Vivian has shown her work in individual and collective shows in Colombia, the United States, and Spain. She is published in various books, magazines, and webpages and has received multiple awards.
Philip Arnold’s photography has appeared in Cerise Press, The Meadowland Review, Birmingham Arts Journal, Mid-American Fiction & Photography, and Domus. His poetry and non-fiction have appeared in The Iowa Review, Rattle, Midwest Quarterly, Sou’wester, Southern Poetry Review, The Galway Review, and apt. He is the recipient of a 2016 Individual Excellence Award (Poetry) from the Ohio Arts Council.
Aditi Chandra is a junior from Bhopal, India. Her work has been previously published in Textploit, ArtRefurbish, Cargo Literary, Alexandria Quarterly, Moledro, Teen Ink, and Blue Marble Review, among others. She also serves as the Art Editor of Inklette Magazine and Phosphene Literary journal.
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