About Compose

Compose: A Journal of Simply Good Writing is a biannual, online publication that features work by both established and emerging writers of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction.

Contributors to Compose have included William Logan, Sonja Livingston, Ian Duhig, Katrina Kenison, Ada Limón, Josh Hanagarne, Marion Roach Smith, Rebecca Hazelton, Randall Mann, Lisa Cron, Rebecca Rosenblum, Devin Murphy, and others.

For information on how to submit, please visit our submission guidelines.

To keep on top of what's happening at Compose and in the literary world, subscribe to our blog and follow us on Facebook and X (formerly Twitter).

You can also find out more about us at the following links:


Suzannah Windsor


Suzannah Windsor is a Canadian writer and editor whose work is forthcoming or has appeared in The Malahat Review, The Dalhousie Review, Prairie FireGeist, The Writer, Sou'wester, Grist, Saw Palm, Best of the Sand Hill Review, and others. Suzannah is currently working on a novel and a collection of short stories, both of which have received funding from the Ontario Arts Council. She teaches creative writing for Sarah Selecky Writing School. You can connect with Suzannah on Twitter and Facebook.


Lisa Romeo


Lisa Romeo, a New Jersey resident, is the author of Starting with Goodbye: A Daughter’s Memoir of Love after Loss (University of Nevada Press). She is part of the core faculty with the Bay Path University MFA program. Lisa also works as a freelance journalist, independent manuscript editor and writing coach. Her nonfiction is listed in Notables in Best American Essays 2016, has received multiple BAE and Pushcart nominations, and appeared in the New York Times, O The Oprah Magazine, Brevity, Under the Sun, Sweet, Hippocampus, River Teeth (Beautiful Things), Under the Gum Tree, Full Grown People, and other placesLisa holds an MFA from the Stonecoast Program. Connect with Lisa at her blog, which offers resources for writers, or on Twitter @LisaRomeo or Facebook.


Andres Rojas


Andres Rojas was born in Cuba and came to the United States at age 13. He holds an M.F.A. in poetry and a J.D. from the University of Florida and currently works for the United States Department of the Treasury. He is the author of the audio chapbook Season of the Dead (EAT Poems, 2016), and his poetry has most recently appeared or is forthcoming in, among others, Best New PoetsAGNI, Barrow Street, Colorado Review, Massachusetts Review, Mid-American Review, New American Writing, New England Review, Notre Dame Review, and Poetry Northwest. He blogs about poetry at http://teoppoet.wordpress.com and you can connect with him on Twitter as @OkAporia.


Reem Al-Omari


Reem Al-Omari is an American freelance writer and editor living in Denver, Colorado. She holds a BA in Journalism. She has worked as a reporter, a columnist and editor-in-chief of a newspaper, and more importantly, a Literary Director at Progenitor, an annual award-winning art and literary print magazine. She is always working on perfecting her fiction. She is also a member of the awesome online community of feisty writers at Intrepid Media. You can find her on Twitter under @Reemawi, where her bio simply reads, “Tweeter of soliloquies.”


Dina Paulson-McEwen


Dina Paulson-McEwen (née Dina Paulson) is a poet, essayist, and flash fiction writer. Her chapbook manuscript was a 2017 finalist in the Finishing Line Press New Women’s Voices Chapbook Competition and is forthcoming in their New Women’s Voices Chapbook Series. Her work appears in journals including: Flash Fiction Magazine, FlashFlood, Minola Review, Dying Dahlia Review, The Ham Free Press, The Hungry Chimera and elsewhere, and has been exhibited at Hudson Guild Gallery in New York City. (Some work appears under her maiden name, Dina Paulson). She is an editor at Flash Fiction Magazine and the co-editor of the magazine's first two print anthologies.

Dina holds a B.A. in Writing & Rhetoric from William Smith College and an M.A. in International Educational Development from Columbia University. She is thrilled to be a part of the Compose team! You can connect with her on Twitter @writeandsea.


Vincent Fitzgerald


Vincent J. Fitzgerald is a writer and therapist born and raised in Jersey City, NJ. Some of his published pieces, like those in Dads Behaving Dadly 2, focus on the importance of breaking poor familial patterns. "I am convinced writing is therapy, and often encourage my clients to explore their personal narratives." Vincent earned Bachelors degrees in Psychology and English from New Jersey City University and a Masters degree in Social Work from Fordham University. He is in the process of becoming a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). Follow him on Twitter at @scribetherapist.


Amber Hart


Amber Colleen Hart’s short stories have appeared in Neon, Cheat River Review, Gravel, Ponder Review, The Danforth Review, LUMINA, and other journals. She is a graduate of Middle Tennessee State University’s creative writing certificate program, WRITE, and serves as assistant editor at Compose Journal.

Amber Colleen Hart’s debut collection of short stories, No Landscape Lasts Forever, published August 2016 through Excalibur Press, earned a silver medal in the 2017 Independent Book Publisher’s Awards.


Pedro Ramirez


Pedro Ramirez is a native New Yorker and holds a BA in English concentrating in Creative Writing. He has worked as an assistant and associate editor at Dogwood: a Journal of Poetry & Prose, Fairfield University’s national literary journal. He blogs about the literary world and his short story reading endeavors at pedropablo1231.wordpress.com.

Past Editors

We are grateful to the following editors for their contributions to past issues: