Update: Preparing to Launch Our Fall 2013 Issue

Typewriter and bookshelves in sepia

It’s difficult to believe it’s been a year since we started putting together the first issue of Compose. So much has happened since then. We’ve attracted a mountain of submissions and connected with some fantastic new voices, and so many readers have been thoughtful enough to let us know how much they’re enjoying the journal.

Have we run in to any problems during this reading period?

Only one:

When submitting to us or any other literary journal, please whitelist the journal’s email address and regularly check your spam filter. On at least two occasions we’ve been unable to contact writers to accept their work. Also, we may want to discuss some aspect of your submission with you before making our final decision, so it’s important that we can reach you via email.

Here are a few things that have been going on behind the scenes since we launched our Spring 2013 issue:

  • Our editors have read and voted on hundreds of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and artwork submissions. We’re so encouraged by the quality and number of submissions thus far. Keep ’em coming.
  • We’ve been connecting with an engaging community of writers and readers through Twitter, Facebook, and other social media. Thank you for spreading the word!
  • We’ve given a few interviews about Compose, which you can read and share at The Review Review, Lisa Romeo’s blog, and Her Silent Musings.
  • Our lineup of pieces for the second issue—Fall 2013—is now finalized. If you’ve submitted to us and haven’t yet had a response, that means your work is being considered for our third issue.
  • Our senior editors are now working with our contributors to ensure their pieces are ready to be published. This can involve anything from a basic copyedit to structural editing.

We will continue to read submissions for our Spring 2014 issue until the end of January 2014. Still, it’s in your best interest to get those subs to us as soon as possible—before the holidays is ideal.

As the managing editor of Compose, one of my responsibilities is to create galleys to distribute to our contributors for a final proof. Then, each piece (along with its author’s bio and headshot) must be individually uploaded to our journal and formatted according to our house style. I’m also in charge of sourcing artwork for our visual index and to be featured alongside prose.

We hope to launch our Fall 2013 issue in late October.

Thanks again for reading and sharing!

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